Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Mission Statement

A Mission Statement

     A darkness has fallen over the countryside of not only America, but over all of the once great cultures of the West. The founding race of these countries is no longer replacing in birth what it is losing in death, and these lands of green glens, rolling hills, and deep glades are being purposely flooded with hordes of raping scoundrels. The race that gave the world the creators of civilization, the conquerors of the seven seas, and the composers of the greatest symphonies is in very real danger. The race that gave birth to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the true nobility of Robert E. Lee, is under attack. Only 8 percent of the world population is White, and only 2 percent of the world population is comprised of White women of child bearing age. That makes the White race the true “minority” and the extinction of our people a very real threat.

      In spite of these facts the Cultural Marxists, through their monopoly on the media and the educational industry, tell the masses that all other racial groups are the “minorities”. They also encourage young White men and women to take those outside of their race as mates. They encourage open borders to the criminal hordes of the third world, and the destruction of every decent principle on which this once great country was built. Just like the Communist Bolsheviks that murdered tens of millions of innocent Russians to clear the way for their reign, they are purposely attempting to remove the founding race of America through ethnic cleansing.  They are literally attempting the genocide and murder of the White race.

     A part of this attempted genocide is the rewriting of history and the removal of any memory of our people. There have been some lackluster efforts in recent years to “protect Confederate monuments”, but they have failed. In spite of how much groveling has been done before the media,  the repeated mantra of “heritage not hate”, and the snake oil salesmen they have payed to publicly speak at their rallies, the monuments continue to be erased.  Even after all of their apologies, and twisting themselves into the knots of a contortionist to prove they are not “racists” – they are still labeled as that very thing. All the while, none of them seem to realize that “racist” means the opposite of “traitor”, and therefore should actually be taken as a complement.

      The reason these efforts have failed and will continue to do so, is because one cannot cure brain cancer by treating the symptom of a runny nose. Outrage has been expressed at the removal of the monuments, but the REASON for their removal is never addressed. The fact is that one cannot separate heritage (ancestral inheritance) from race. The Cultural Marxists know exactly what they are doing, they want to erase our heritage because they want to erase us! Those that are working steadily to bring about White genocide, laugh at the mockery of those that think it is not about race! The denial of race from the equation is the same as the tired tactic of the republican con-servatives, which is feigned resistance in the midst of perpetual retreat.

      The mission of Rock Stone Mountain is to bring attention to not only the continuing removal of Confederate heritage (ancestral inheritance), but also to the REASON it is being removed – as well as who wants it removed. They want to erase our heritage because they want to erase us! The main platform of Communism is egalitarianism, and those that claim “heritage” to the Confederacy but also promote “racial diversity” and multi-culturalism, reveal themselves by their own actions. The attempt at racial genocide against our White race is very real, and Rock Stone Mountain is a clarion call from the mountaintop to rally against those that seek our destruction!

      The very preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America – a document that is now consistently subverted and blatantly ignored by those that are supposed to defend it, tells exactly who it was written for and why in this:  “…and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”. Posterity is defined as “future generations” and “all descendants of one person”. This goes along with the fact that the word “patriot” comes from a Latin root word which means “father”.  Patriotism literally means, “love of the land of my fathers” and has a racial meaning, just as the Constitution was written for and to the descendants of the founding race. This system has been subverted by a foreign cabal that does not want the true inheritors of this great country to awaken and take back what is rightfully theirs! This, my friends, is the reason they seek to erase our heritage and erase us!

       Every able bodied soul of our race is warmly welcomed to stand with us on April 23, Confederate Memorial Day weekend, against this neo-tyranny and attempt at our destruction! Despite the repeated lies told by those that oppose us, this is a non-partisan and peaceful gathering of likeminded individuals. We seek to use our first amendment right to speech and to peaceably assemble – to speak out and stand against the malicious attempt on the future of our very children! We seek to proudly celebrate our heritage and the accomplishments of our great race! Please join us and fly the Confederate Battle Flag in a show of solidarity and pride! If one saves the monuments and flags of our heroic ancestors, but there is none left of our race to enjoy them, they were saved for nothing. I shall be glad to see you in April!


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