Thursday, January 14, 2016

Billy Roper - On Event Cooperation And Cleaning The Ranks

Imagine All The People...
If we cast about online, especially in various social media outlets, forums, and discussion boards, it seems that there are tens of thousands of White Nationalists all fired up and ready for Victory Day. Then, when we attempt to organize something as simple as a literature distribution, much less a rally, it's like herding cats to get ten people to participate who won't break out into three fistfights, two love affairs, and a felony arrest. Why is it so hard to get real world, boots on the ground activism out of our people, the people who crossed oceans and space and created all of human civilization?
“Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink; water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink...”
Is it the fault of the internet, where the double edged sword of quick and easy access to socialization with fellow Nationalists as well as all of the reading and listening and viewing “educational” material one could ever want have made membership organizations in large part a moot point, and unnecessary?
Is it the 'Idiocracy' effect, where the quality of our people has devolved in three or four generations into apathy, hopelessness, cowardice, and despair?
Or, have we lost the pressure of Natural Selection to make us sharp? Has it just gotten too damn easy?
Let's look bluntly at the State of the Movement. No large membership organizations are left standing, but our ideas and memes, our talking points, have been disseminated more deeply into the mainstream of right wing politics than ever before, thanks to the radical flank effect. Basically, folks like us make it easier for slightly less extreme folks just to the left of us to have more wiggle room to say what they think, without being considered so extreme...because, compared to us, they're moderate, still. That makes them the lesser of two evils. Also, the dialectic struggle means that in the more even and level playing field of the internet, where the enemies of our people exercise less absolute censorial control, we are able to present our ideas more openly and allow them to compete with the bankrupt lies of our enemies in the free marketplace of ideas. And, in the push and pull of contention, the center gets shifted rightwards, moreso than without the internet. Ironically, that makes membership organizations even less necessary, than if our ideas had NOT been succeeding.
Of course, there are some ideologically based Nationalist organizations still out there, swimming upstream valiantly. Even when they try to appeal to very narrow niches such as Fruitarians or literal Hitler worshipers or Flat Earthers, they don't get much traction. Why? Because they don't have enough warm bodies available in their own narrow recruiting niches, and because they won't work with any organizations outside that niche, and there are just too many of them competing for the same potential members. There are far too many Chiefs, and not enough Indians. And, who can blame the Chiefs for not wanting to give up authority and hegemony over the organizations which they often gave birth to and raised through their own blood, sweat, and tears, like their very own child, to someone else? Even if there are only ten members? Even if starting that organization was actually as easy as buying a domain name and typing away at the keyboard with a bit of Dungeons and Dragons imagination? That's one reason why the movement, such as it is, is so fractious and obsessed with tawdry drama and internecine warfare.
Another problem is that it's too easy to be a White Nationalist. That's right, again, it's TOO easy. Nobody has to really prove themselves, establish credentials, or pay their dues. Here in the U.S., the remaining freedom of speech protected by the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows any illiterate, degenerate, sieg-heiling trash to yell “88!” and get a pass as a “brother”. In many European countries, by contrast, people are regularly fined or imprisoned for raising their right arm in a politically incorrect angle, or for wondering aloud if perhaps only 5,999,999 Jews really died in the Holocaust. That separates the men from the boys and the hobbyists from the real political activists quickly, and has cleansed their ranks of the dead weight, making them healthier and stronger organically just as we are all healthier and stronger when we eliminate waste similarly. That's why, when they have a rally, tens of thousands show up, rather than a carload. They are far more serious, professional, and dedicated, because they have to be.
Until we're able to literally police our own ranks by putting the degenerates, drug users, and societal losers who are simply rebelling against the establishment because they have been failures within the status quo, and would be failures within our system and rebel against it if we were in charge, up against a wall, there's not much we can do to keep the losers out of the movement. We can marginalize them by banning them from our specific membership organizations and our voluntary associations, but like rats and roaches, they will always be there, scurrying around the edges of the light. Policing our own ranks would be preferable to having them policed for us, as happened in Europe. Either way, the time to clean house will come. But for now, we can't really address that point. So, we have to focus on the first question.
How can we get these laptop fuhrers to cooperate with one another, since they will not combine forces? Whether they should or not, or whether such would constitute a further erosion of the Natural Selection competition which separated the Brownshirts and Freikorps and S.S. and Wehrmacht from one another into competing forces isn't the question at hand. Combination isn't going to happen. But, might unity? If we define unity narrowly as being a temporary, single-minded, issue specific imposition of will and purpose, I believe so. Particularly if we focus, at least at first, on single events, such as a rally or demonstration, and provided that mutually agreed upon ground rules concerning tactics, dress, demeanor, propaganda, and who may and how to handle the controlled media are settled beforehand. In other words, basic things such as, it's counter-productive to wave the swastika flag at a Confederate memorial (or just about anywhere else, for that matter). That would require a certain degree of mutual respect, discretion, and diplomacy on the part of the erstwhile leaders of the organizations involved. Some have it, some don't. Where egos and old grudges get in the way, it won't fly. But for some, if not all, it might be possible to rise above the pettiness and catfighting, just for a day. For one day. For one event. For our people.
“Oh, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...”
For those who are not willing to put aside their differences for a single event, and work together for the best interests of our people, then it might be time for us to revisit the second point. Cleaning house.
-Billy Roper Minister of Publications and Propaganda Divine Truth Ministries/Nation Of True Israel

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