Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Official New Atlanta Journal Interview With Billy Roper

    Last night I gave an interview to Chris Joyner, a reporter for the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper. His questions to me are first, followed by my response.

Mr. Roper,
    I saw a posting on the Rock Stone Mountain event on Facebook that indicated you are the media contact for the planned rally. First, I wanted to make sure that is correct. Second, are you the same Billy Roper once associated with the National Alliance?
I do have some questions. How did you hear about the rally? How did you become associated with it in an official capacity? Who are the other organizers? Do you plan to attend? Have you attended rallies in Georgia in the past?
     What are the organizers hopes for the rally? What are the goals? Have you or the other organizers been in contact with the Stone Mountain Memorial Association? If so, how has that experience been? Have there been any hurdles in getting the proper permissions?
     What details can you share about the after-rally concert? Do you expect a large crowd?
Some in the heritage movement disavow white power and Klan affiliations. Do you see this as a separate movement or aligned with the broader heritage movement?

Chris Joyner
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Joyner, Chris (CMG-Atlanta)

Message body

     Hi, and thank you for your e-mail of inquiry about ‪#‎rockstonemountain‬.
Yes, I am the same person who formerly was involved in the National Alliance, prior to the death of Dr. William Pierce. In my capacity as Deputy Membership Coordinator for that organization, I had the pleasure of visiting Georgia several times, including leading an anti-immigration rally held in Dahlonega some fourteen years ago. Of course, I've also visited the Atlanta area as a tourist and vacationer, and look forward to seeing it again when I attend the #rockstonemountain rally on April 23rd of next year.
     I first became aware of the effort to raise consciousness about the unfortunate efforts to dilute the heritage and history of the park with politically correct add-ons from some of the attendees of the first rally held there. I sympathized with their efforts on behalf of our people and our children's futures, and was honored to have the opportunity to get involved. By the way, have you read a copy of the actual press release about the event?
     Frankly, as far as how the 'cuckfederates' who want to separate the heritage of our ancestors from their genetic identity as a people feel about the rally, there was a historical term which might still be apropos. Have you ever heard the word "Scalawag"? Based on some 'heritage' groups membership criteria in regards to their required support of 'diversity', and their exclusion of persons who are just as proud to be White as the Black Lives Matters crowd are proud to be Black, probably not a single Confederate ancestor of theirs would have qualified for membership in their organizations. They all would have been considered too horribly racist to join, just like Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson and all of the Founding Fathers who wrote the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first definition of American citizenship.
     The rally itself will be a peaceful and voluntary, spontaneous assemblage of park visitors. So, unless someone decides to close the park for that day, no permits will be necessary. The concert after the rally will be held as a private venue open to invitation only. Of course the exact number who will participate is difficult to anticipate accurately, but probably more than the number of Black Lives Matter protesters who don't have criminal records, yet fewer than the number of Whites murdered by blacks last year in crimes for which noone led a march for justice. Somewhere in between those two extremes.
     Here is a copy of the press release. It should clarify some of the goals of the rally for you. Please feel free to ask me any follow-up questions which you might have. Thanks, and have a Merry Christmas!
-Billy Roper

Press release: for immediate release:
“Rock Stone Mountain Rally Scheduled For April 23rd”

     In recent months the “Black Lives Matter” radicals have made it clear that the interests of their own people are more important to them than the interests of our nation as a whole, or of the interests of law and order and the judicial process, or indeed of the interests of any people within the United States other than their own racial group. They have staged mass protests, rallies, riots, and lootings in advancement of their racially driven cause.
    All the while, violent and specifically targeted, racially motivated Black on White crimes, purposefully underreported by the controlled mainstream media with its liberal anti-White agenda, continue to grow, and the White body count rises. Along with federal government programs, actions, and inactions across the board concerning issues as diverse as illegal immigration, the influx of dubiously designated “refugees”, and affirmative action combined with overzealous political correctness, have collectively been committing what is, according to the United Nations definition of the term, the genocide of the founding White people of our nation.
    If the replacement of Tibetans by Chinese is genocide, then so is the replacement of persons of European ancestry in our nation. Whether accomplished by bayonet or by ballot box, the effect is the same: the disenfranchisement and cultural and genetic dissolution of the descendants of our Founding Fathers, for whom they declared they were establishing this nation ‘to secure the blessings of liberty’, and whom they just as specifically designated as the sole heirs of the right of citizenship herein.
     For decades the symbols of the Confederacy, such as the battle flag and the various monuments to its heroes, have grown from holding an originally more strictly regional significance, to representing the loyalties and aspirations of Whites across our nation and around the world. Since the more recent attacks on those symbols and that heritage have begun to increase in vitriol, so have their popularity among patriotic Whites who oppose thought control and politically correct opinion enforcement.
     In response, therefore, to the racially motivated attacks on our people, our culture, our heritage, and their symbols, White patriots from across the United States and around the world will be gathering at Stone Mountain, Georgia, on the morning of April 23rd, 2016. This peaceful, nonpartisan gathering of like-minded concerned citizens will promote the idea that Whites have a right to live, and without fear; and to secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children.
     Over all, we have the right to declare as forcefully and vocally as anyone from any other perspective that “White Lives Matter”. We will do so, as long as the first amendment continues to protect that right. We invite the press to join us in documenting this event, and reporting on it. Further media inquiries and follow-up questions may be submitted to Billy Roper, one of the event promoters and public relations contacts, via e-mail at roper_billy@yahoo.com.

1 comment:

  1. Follow up Interview...
    The Atlanta Journal Constitution reporter sent me some follow-up interview questions, these focusing on me personally. First his questions, then my response:

    "Thanks, Mr. Roper.

    As you know, you have critics. Among them are those who claim you espouse a violent brand of pro-white rhetoric.

    So let me ask you directly: Do you support violence to achieve your goals? Do you advocate violence against ethnic or religious minorities? Also, do you hold to your earlier statements of appreciation regarding the culprits of the Sept. 11 attacks?

    Chris Joyner
    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution"

    My response:


    Joyner, Chris (CMG-Atlanta)

    Message body

    Fourteen years ago, I made a hasty and ill-considered comment in the hours immediately following the 9/11 attack. Those comments, taken out of context, have understandably been offered up to me innumerable times since then. As I've consistently stated, I regret the remark, immeasurably. Of course, I've said and done a lot of things since then that an intrepid reporter might inquire about, if they wished to focus on myself rather than the upcoming rally in an ad hominem, beyond what's logged on the SPLC website, you know. But yes, like probably yourself and everyone else, from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton, I erred in judgement and speaking once, a decade and a half ago. Now, can we talk about something that's happened this decade? Like the many thousands of White people who have been raped and murdered by blacks, perhaps? Because you know, Chris, it's not people like me who want to let thousands of Muslim immigrants into our nation under the guise of 'refugees'. It's liberals, the same liberals who oppose people like myself and the other patriots who will be attending the ‪#‎rockstonemountain‬ rally April 23rd. If people with views like mine or our Founding Fathers still had control over our nation, 9/11 and the San Bernadino terrorist attack would never have happened...because they wouldn't have been here to commit them.

    As to your other question, I no more espouse or support violence to achieve our goals of securing the existence of our people and a future for White children, than any other patriot. Anyone who does espouse violence is either foolish, or more likely, an agent provocateur actually working for the government. I am an advocate of using our Constitutionally protected rights to petition the government for a redress of grievances. If there is a picture honoring Robert Matthews or Samuel Adams on any website or page associated with me, then that is because I honor the men, their courage, and their ideals. It doesn't mean that I'm about to dump a boatload of tea into a harbor or throw snowballs at soldiers, or that I encourage others to do so.

    The most violence I see occurring against 'ethnic and religious minorities' is being perpetrated against Whites, every day, most often in areas where they are already the minority. You know what interstate exits in Atlanta are safe for you to take after dark, and which ones aren't, and why, don't you, Chris?
